MIGO 2954125218 [MIGO]Your verification code is 15318,welcome to MIGO. The verification code is valid within 5 minute
MIGO 5554131681 [MIGO]Your verification code is 91130,welcome to MIGO. The verification code is valid within 5 minute
MIGO 4848058334 [MIGO]Your verification code is 72102,welcome to MIGO. The verification code is valid within 5 minute
MIGO 1315375395 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 72670, welcome!
MIGO 3297514677 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 61848, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 4655145255 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 26363, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 4913325050 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 58655, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 8524215186 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 78136, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 3806283241 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 32149, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 5210245515 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 71511, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 4765412042 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 30117, welcome!
MIGO 7490142537 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 12241, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 4109437231 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 59133, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 5489937255 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 46483, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 3463538490 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 36114, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 3231847058 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 26340, welcome! STOP 36047
MIGO 4292508420 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 86819, welcome!
MIGO 8975245642 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 70100, welcome!
MIGO 1282958509 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 12368, welcome!
MIGO 1825532750 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 20466, welcome!
MIGO 5555831807 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 20169, welcome!
MIGO 7388858619 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 55005, welcome!
MIGO 9465236152 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 65637, welcome!
MIGO 1223249285 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 80081, welcome!
MIGO 8698263843 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 54353, welcome!
MIGO 5953895486 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 47115, welcome!
MIGO 8686287650 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 39847, welcome!
MIGO 7079763398 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 41327, welcome!
MIGO 7179165456 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 73894, welcome!
MIGO 1616327212 [MIGO]Your vertification code is 37557, welcome!
